Welcome poets, to Day 1 of our month-long #WaterPoemProject. If you’re new to this project, please read the Introduction and FAQ. I couldn’t think of a better person to kick things off than children’s poet (and my dear friend) Irene Latham. Irene’s poetry prompt is: The Language of Water “How does water speak? What does […]

Sunday, 22 March 2020
Sunday, 22 March 2020
#WaterPoemProject FAQ Thanks for visiting the project FAQ. Please post any questions in the comments. I will be adding to the Q&A throughout the project. For Educators and Adults Q: How do I find the prompt of the day? A: Writing prompts from authors will be posted each evening on Laura Shovan’s blog and on […]
Sunday, 22 March 2020
Dear Educators and Parents, I am putting together a community poetry project for kids. Adults can play along too. [Note: This is a condensed version of this introduction. To read the full post, please visit the Nerdy Book Club blog.] I run an annual poetry writing project for adults. For one month, participants receive a […]