If you love the Heartstopper graphic novels or Netflix show, you’ll want to read this!
Laura’s guest post “Why Are We Like This: Heartstopper Models Respectful Queer Discourse, so Why Aren’t Fans Listening?” was recently published by School Library Journal’s Teen Librarian Toolbox. It includes interviews with authors Becky Albertalli (Imogen, Obviously), Kalynn Bayron (Sleep Like Death), Adiba Jaigirdar (Rani Choudhury Must Die), and David Levithan (Wide Awake Now), who is the U.S. editor of Oseman’s YA novels, as well as Danielle DuPuis, LGBTQIA+ Initiatives Specialist for a large public school system in Maryland, and teen services librarian and author Sara Ryan.

On All Other Nights is a joyful middle-grade anthology centered around Passover—from an exciting array of bestselling and award-winning Jewish creators!
In this unprecedented collection of short stories, 14 bestselling and award-winning authors each reimagine a different step of the seder for today’s young readers.
I can’t wait for you to meet Hannah in my story, “Music and Matzo.” This book publishes in March, 2024, but you can pre-order it now!

I can’t wait for this new anthology to publish in Spring, 2022 (Whitman). What an honor to be one of the 13 middle grade authors with a story in this book, edited by Jonathan Rosen and Henry Herz.
In “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Bimah,” seventh grader Dani Karet is in a pickle. It’s almost time for a pre-bat mitzvah check-in with the rabbi, but Dani still hasn’t written her d’var Torah speech. When she asks friends and family for help, their advice ranges from choreographing the Ten Plagues as a K-Pop routine to telling dinosaur fart jokes. Will Dani come up with the perfect speech or will she snap before the big day?

I am excited to have two poems in a new anthology for teens: Rhyme & Rhythm: Poems for Student Athletes, edited by Sarah J. Donovan.
The book is available now from Archer. It features some of your favorite poets and many new voices.
My poem “Running Stairs” is about my brief time on my high school fencing team. The second poem, “Snow Day,” is in the voice of a teen wrestler.
About Me
Laura Shovan’s award-winning children’s books include The Last Fifth Grade of Emerson Elementary, Takedown, and A Place at the Table, written with Saadia Faruqi. Laura is a longtime poet-in-the-schools and teaches adult writers at Vermont College of Fine Arts. Her latest book for kids is Welcome to Monsterville.