By the creators of the Poetry Friday anthology series, Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong
Find Laura’s poem “Micro Monster” on page 23!
Poets in HOP TO IT: Poems to Get You Moving
One of the key elements of an anthology is the way it presents a multitude of voices and perspectives to readers. We’re happy to be able to share a diverse and inclusive list of 90 poets in HOP TO IT: Poems to Get You Moving. Many of our contributors are established poets who are very familiar to poetry fans, but we’re thrilled to include many new (and “new-to-us”) poets, too!
Veterans of Our Books
We welcome the return of several dozen past contributors to our books:
Alma Flor Ada, Ibtisam Barakat, Michelle Heidenrich Barnes, Doraine Bennett, Carmen T. Bernier-Grand, Robyn Hood Black, Susan Blackaby, David Bowles, Joseph Bruchac, Stephanie Calmenson, F. Isabel Campoy, Kristy Dempsey, Linda Dryfhout, Margarita Engle, Janet Clare Fagal, Carrie Finison, Nancy Bo Flood, Catherine Flynn, Charles Ghigna, Xelena González, Joan Bransfield Graham, Janice N. Harrington, David L. Harrison, Jane Heitman Healy, Carol-Ann Hoyte, Ann Ingalls, Jacqueline Jules, Julie Larios, Renée M. LaTulippe, Suzy Levinson, Jone Rush MacCulloch, JoAnn Early Macken, Diane Mayr, Heidi Mordhorst, Diana Murray, Lesléa Newman, Eric Ode, Linda Sue Park, Jack Prelutsky, Darren Sardelli, Michelle Schaub, Robert Schechter, Laura Shovan, Buffy Silverman, Margaret Simon, Eileen Spinelli, Elizabeth Steinglass, Holly Thompson, Linda Kulp Trout, Amy Ludwig VanDerwater, Padma Venkatraman, April Halprin Wayland, Carole Boston Weatherford, Tamera Will Wissinger, and Janet Wong. We are so grateful to these poets for their continuing support of our projects.
New to The Pomelo Poetry Family
We are over the moon about these new contributors to our books! Some are award-winning authors whose names you’ll recognize (and who might already be among your favorites), but several are new poets at the beginning of their exciting careers:
Kathryn Apel, Rebecca Balcárcel, Jay Brazeau, Rose Cappelli, Yangsook Choi, Lesa Cline-Ransome, Natalee Creech, Ed DeCaria, Alice Faye Duncan, Zetta Elliott, Marilyn Garcia, Paul W. Hankins, Rebekah Hoeft, Karen G. Jordan, Alan Katz, Sheila Kerwin, Rebecca Gardyn Levington, Marjorie Maddox, Kevin Noble Maillard, Juli Mayer, David McMullin, Sarah Meade, Christy Mihaly, Laura Mucha, Baptiste Paul, Miranda Paul, Moe Phillips, Deborah Reidy, Leslie Ross-Degnan, Shanah Salter, Claire Schlinkert, Cynthia Leitich Smith, Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie, Sylvia Vardell, and Helen Kemp Zax.
Featuring so many new (and new-to-us) voices is one of the most exciting elements of any anthology. When you share the poems from HOP TO IT (or any anthology), invite your students to identify some favorite poets and to look for more of their work!