National Poetry Month is finally here! For the first time in several years, I am not doing an April blog project. I’ll be a little busy with my book launch. However, I am going to enjoy what the other Poetry Friday bloggers have to offer for our 20th anniversary NPM celebration. Jama Rattigan has a […]

Happy Poetry Friday! I spent the past week doing a local book tour with three other debut authors. We had a blast. The other middle grade novelist in the group was Janet Sumner Johnson, author of THE LAST GREAT ADVENTURE OF THE PB&J SOCIETY. Janet is from Oregon, and she stayed with me […]
It’s only three weeks until the launch of THE LAST FIFTH GRADE. Good thing I don’t have to wait alone. Three other debut middle grade authors are celebrating book birthdays on April 12, 2016. We’re calling ourselves #April12thMGShelf. Together, we are giving away a shelf-worth of new middle grade books, all four of our titles, […]
Happy Pi Day, poets and friends! I’ve got a slice of something special for you today. To help celebrate the 20th anniversary of National Poetry Month, I’m giving away a signed ARC of THE LAST FIFTH GRADE OF EMERSON ELEMENTARY. The giveaway starts today and ends on April 1. You’ll find details and giveaway instructions […]
Happy Poetry Friday. After spending the month of February writing found object poems, I’m happy to return to the “Laura’s Bookshelf” series. In Bookshelf posts, I pair a middle grade or young adult novel with a poem, to be read and enjoyed side by side. As you know, I am a huge Doctor Who fan, […]
Happy Poetry Friday, everyone. Today, I’m wrapping up the annual daily write-in project. In January, I invited everyone to join me for a month-long project, writing in response to found objects (the original post is here). This is the fourth time I’ve celebrated my February birthday with a daily project that gives back to the writing community. […]