Happy Poetry Friday. It’s been a while since we visited my bookshelf, friends. In Bookshelf posts, I pair a middle grade or young adult novel with a poem, to be read and enjoyed side by side. Earlier this month, my friend Jeff Giles visited Maryland as part of his book tour. Jeff’s debut novel, THE […]

Thursday, 23 February 2017
Thursday, 16 February 2017
Dear Friends and Poetry Friday bloggers, I have to begin this post with a thank you. On Tuesday, I learned that THE LAST FIFTH GRADE OF EMERSON ELEMENTARY is the 2016 CYBILS award-winner for poetry. Many of you have cheered on my novel-in-verse for years — commenting on drafts of the poems on my blog, […]
Thursday, 2 February 2017
Happy February, everyone. This week, we kicked off my annual poem project, which has moved over to Facebook. This year’s theme is #10FoundWords. We have a daily news story, speech, or current event selected by a project member. That person chooses 10 words from the news source, which makes up our word bank for the […]