Happy Poetry Friday! I recently added a line to my email signature. Along with my title (poet in the schools) and the titles of my children’s novels (The Last Fifth Grade, Takedown), you will now see “Currently reading: —” listed under my name. Publicly sharing what I’m reading is a practice I learned from educator […]

Dear friends, when I’m feeling down I often turn to an old friend to help me settle my worries: George Harrison, fellow Pisces and my very favorite member of the Beatles. My favorite albums are Let It Roll, Songs of George Harrison and Concert for George. For Poetry Friday, I’m sharing one of George Harrison’s solo […]
A question came up in one of my kidlit groups the other day: Can young readers handle books with more than one narrator? No surprise, there was a debate among the members. Why make books harder for kids to read by writing in more than one voice? Isn’t that confusing? While I don’t think multiple […]
It’s the first day of December, Poetry Friday friends. This week’s host is Mary Lee Hahn at A Year of Reading. Grab a cup of hot cocoa and head over to her blog, where you’ll find some poetry to warm you up. I went searching for a December poem and came upon this beauty by […]