Ah, the holidays. Family time, favorite foods, haunted hotels. Wait. What? This was my favorite story of the 2017 holiday season, originally posted here on Twitter. It begins with an arduous journey… I have a fun holiday story for you! Drove the family 6+ hours to the Catskills Mountains today — through snow. We were […]

I am a dog mom. Sam the Schnauzer is my best furry friend. But three years ago, our family decided (with much convincing) that 8-year-old Sam needed a brother. Not a puppy. An older dog. A calm dog to show our very barky, anxious guy the joys of being chilled out. I went to the […]
Around this time every year, my acupuncturist reminds me that winter is a time for hibernation. It’s okay to huddle by the fire with the family, to be more “in” and less “out” (whether that’s your physical or your energetic being). When snow blankets Maryland, everyone stays in and hunkers down. At my house, we […]
Welcome, winter wordsmiths! Early birds, thanks for letting me know that Mr. Linky was misbehaving. He’s all fixed and ready for your links. I was at the National Press Club Author Night and Book Fair in Washington, DC last month and had the great good luck to bump into an old friend, Jona Colson. Jona […]
I’m posting my Poetry Friday offering early this week. I’ll be traveling on Friday, visiting the niece and nephews mentioned in the poem below. This is my first attempt at a haibun. It has also been forever since I shared a “random conversations” post. I wanted to capture the way an everyday moment (shopping) transformed into […]