I’m on the road today, heading back to Maryland from NerdCampMI. One of the best parts of NerdCamp happens on Day 2 in the afternoon, nErDCampJr. That’s when the kids arrive and have mini-sessions with authors. Because my new book, TAKEDOWN, is about a boy and a girl on a competitive wrestling team, it is […]

Wednesday, 11 July 2018
Tuesday, 10 July 2018
It’s my second year at nErDCampMI and I’ve been having a blast! My favorite thing about this event is that authors and educators are learning together — sharing our best practices, concerns, and experiences with connecting students and books. As promised, I am posting the slide presentations for both Day 1 panels I participated in. […]
Thursday, 13 July 2017
UPDATED: This post is now 100% Mac & Cheesier. It’s Poetry Friday and I’m just back from the NerdCamp education conference in Michigan. I’m still unpacking — literally and figuratively. The speeches, sessions, panels of authors and educators, and working with students at NerdCamp Junior were inspiring. But I learned just as much during impromptu […]