It’s Day 25 of our month-long daily writing project. This year’s theme is FOUND OBJECTS. For those of you who are new to the project, please read my introductory post. You’ll find more information and all of the Week 4 FOUND OBJECTS at this post. How is everyone feeling now that there are only five days of found object prompts […]

It’s February 21. That means we have completed three weeks of our daily write-in. Kudos to all, whether you’ve been participating every day, dropping in, or following along by reading the responses. As you know, this year’s theme is FOUND OBJECTS. We have a new writing prompt for every day in February. The object of this […]
Congratulations! We made it through Week 1 of this year’s daily writing project. It’s Day 7 of our 2016 daily write-in. As you know, this year’s theme is FOUND OBJECTS. We have a new writing prompt for every day in February. The object of this project is to turn off our inner critics, play with a […]
Are we feeling the burn yet? It’s Day 4 of our 2016 daily write-in! This year’s theme is FOUND OBJECTS. We have a new writing prompt for every day in February. My favorite part of this annual project is seeing how the poems, written in response to the same prompt, resonate with each other. For those of […]