I can’t wait for everyone to meet Hannah — a put-upon eldest sister and cousin — who doesn’t want to give up her starring role in the family seder. She has a story to tell. A story with fighting and snakes, floods and escapes, music and matzo. “Music and Matzo” is my contribution to the […]

Happy first Poetry Friday of 2022! Today, I’m featuring my favorite middle grade book of 2021 — the brilliant (and hilarious, and sad) climate emergency satire, ONE SMALL HOP by Madelyn Rosenberg. Here is an abbreviated description of the story from Goodreads: Perfect for fans of Carl Hiaasen’s classic Hoot, this humorous adventure story set in […]
This is a post about dogs. You’ve all gotten to know the Shovan family dogs over the years — anxious Sam the schnauzer and his very best friend, Rudy the (goofy, lovable) beagle. But it’s also a post about poetry. I am a huge fan of Laura Purdie Salas‘ A Leaf Can Be series of […]
Welcome, poets and poetry fans. Poetry Friday is here this week. You’ll find the link-up at the bottom of this post. One of the last trips I made before the Covid-19 lockdown was to Tallahassee, Florida. My friend, poet Michael Rothenberg, took me to a magical spot, Wakulla Springs. During a boat tour of the […]
Hi, Poetry Friday friends. Today, I am sharing a very special call for poetry submissions. My friend, the poet Hiram Larew, is the positive force behind the website www.Poetry X Hunger.com. Hiram is using poetry to draw attention to the issue of hunger in our country and the world. But before the submission details… here […]
Welcome to my 9th Annual February Daily Poem Project. For several years — in order to practice writing in community — my blog hosted a poetry project. We moved to Facebook in 2017 to accommodate the number of poets and writers who wanted to participate. 2021 Theme: Bodies In this time of a global pandemic, […]
Welcome, readers and eaters. While there was only room to print one recipe in the back of A Place at the Table, my co-author Saadia Faruqi and I didn’t want to disappoint potential chefs. Scroll down to find three printable recipe cards featuring foods from the book. (Cards designed by Mary Zadroga of Steel Toe […]
Happy Poetry Friday and happy almost Leap Day! Do you know any Leap Day babies? How do they celebrate? 2020 marks a huge anniversary for me. Ten years ago this month, my first book was published. You can read about my poetry chapbook, Mountain, Log, Salt, and Stone (CityLit Press, 2010) in Part 1 of […]
Ah, the holidays. Family time, favorite foods, haunted hotels. Wait. What? This was my favorite story of the 2017 holiday season, originally posted here on Twitter. It begins with an arduous journey… I have a fun holiday story for you! Drove the family 6+ hours to the Catskills Mountains today — through snow. We were […]
Welcome to my weekly — I hope weekly … occasional? — news post. Look for “Now What?” most Mondays for book news, upcoming appearances, fun tidbits, and obligatory dog photos (ODPs). I scoured the internet for a poem about Mondays, something I could use for the title of this regular feature. But Mondays are not […]