The day is finally here. We are dropping our youngest child off at university. As often happens in times of transition, a favorite poem is making me smile and giving me comfort. I first read “Moving Day,” by poet J. C. Elkin in 2010, when my little one actually was little — just ten years […]

Among our basic needs is a place of safety and belonging, yet many children face situation where their communities are under threat. A panel of middle-grade author/educators will model how they use literature to spark conversations on home and community, security, and identity. Three brief lesson plans, centered on exploring the meaning of place and […]
Business first, then a poem. First, Tabatha Yeatts, you are the winner of the NITA’S FIRST SIGNS book giveaway! Congratulations! Second, I am heading to the ILA conference this weekend. Look for a post later this afternoon with details about my panel session with MG authors Tricia Springstubb, Karina Yan Glaser, Janet Sumner Johnson, and […]
It’s my second year at nErDCampMI and I’ve been having a blast! My favorite thing about this event is that authors and educators are learning together — sharing our best practices, concerns, and experiences with connecting students and books. As promised, I am posting the slide presentations for both Day 1 panels I participated in. […]
It’s Texas Library Association week! Come say hello. This is where I will be: Tuesday 4/3 Pre-conference Poetry Rodeo 1-5 pm Hosted by Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong of Pomelo Books Jen Bryant and I are doing a short presentation on Poetry and Art at 3 pm, but plan to spend the whole day. The […]
LET’S HEAR IT FOR MIDDLE GRADE SPIRIT! Welcome to Team TLC, future Pitch Warriors. Coaches Laura Shovan and Tricia Clasen here. ROLL CALL: I’m Laura Shovan. I am a poet. And a middle grade author. So check me out. I’ve been training hard for PitchWars, Team. I’ve been on both sides of the editor’s desk […]
This is going to be a difficult post, friends. It’s time to have a serious talk about girls and compliance. Let’s be clear right up front. On one level, this is about a dear friend’s book and how a review of that book got it wrong. Conflict of interest, I know. But I’m determined to […]
LET’S HEAR IT FOR MIDDLE GRADE SPIRIT! Welcome to Team TLC, future Pitch Warriors. Coaches Laura Shovan and Tricia Clasen here. ROLL CALL: I’m Laura Shovan. I am an editor. And a debut author. So check me out. I’ve been training hard for PitchWars, Team. I’ve been on both sides of the editor’s desk and […]
Hello, Found Object Poets. Today is the Mother-Daughter luncheon at my daughter’s high school, so Jan Godown Annino is filling in for me once again. Please post your poems in the comments here or at Jan’s blog BOOKSEED STUDIO. FOUND: Allium Garlic Bud The found object for today was contributed by Mary Lee Hahn. Thanks for the […]
Hello, Found Object Poets. I am taking a break from blogging today. FOUND: Locust Pods Don’t beat me over the head with a giant seed pod! We’re still writing and sharing today. You will find the Day 10 Found Object Poem Project post at Margaret Simon’s blog, Reflections on the Teche. Thank you, Margaret! I’ll […]