Thursday, 12 November 2020

Robyn Hood Black is hosting Poetry Friday today. Visit her blog, Life on the Deckle Edge, for this week’s poetry links.

Hey, poets and readers. Quick post this week.

I am working on a guest article for the website Reading Rockets. It’s going to be all about books … and dogs.

Of course, I have to include a few dog poems.

During the pandemic, Sam (the Schnauzer) and Rudy (the Beagle) have been joining me on the yoga mat.

Rudy is an especially enthusiastic yogi. Beagles are very comfortable with savasana and ujjayi breathing.









Yoga Dog
By Laura Shovan

Your mat rolls out
like a big pink tongue.

I wag and strrretch.
Come on! Come on!

It’s yoga time.
Let’s greet the sun.

Human and dog,
we breathe as one.

Want more yoga poems for kids? Check out Janet Wong’s TWIST: YOGA POEMS. Available on Bookshop.Org.

Is it dog poems you need? My favorite is STELLA, UNLEASHED: NOTES FROM THE DOGHOUSE, by Linda Ashman. This book is out of print, but you can find it at online retailers.

I am creating a list of middle grade books where the protagonist has a best furry friend, especially of the dog variety. Got a recommendation? Leave it in the comments.

My best furry friend.

Sam says, “See you next time!”

22 responses to “Poetry Friday Is Going to the Dogs”

  1. Kathryn Apel says:

    Love love love your yoga pup and poem! Such a fabulous first stanza to slurp up our attention and swallow us right into the poem. ?

  2. Laura, what a fun doggy yoga poem! I’m looking forward to reading your article 🙂

    • Laura Shovan says:

      Thanks, Kimberly! It’s not easy to limit myself to 750 words on this topic. No surprise, I have a lot to say about dogs.

  3. Laura, Thanks for sharing your yoga practice with your yogi dogs. What a great opening line of your poem. I sent out a tweet about Twist by Janet Wong. I did not know about this book at all. I am sad that I cannot return to my yoga studio and have been remiss about my practice but your poem and Janet’s book have inspired me.

    • Laura Shovan says:

      Hi, Carol. I love Yoga with Adriene’s videos (bonus, her dog Benji often makes an appearance). You’re going to love Janet’s book!

  4. Janet Wong says:

    Love your poem “Yoga Dog,” Laura! And thanks for sharing TWIST! I think of my poem “Down Dog” from that book every time I see my dog stretch in the morning. Dogs definitely understand the magic of a good s-t-r-e-t-c-h!!!

    • Laura Shovan says:

      You’re welcome, Janet. I’m a fan of your book! Face Down Dog is an aptly named pose — though I’ve seen my son’s cat in this asana too.

  5. Linda Baie says:

    Love your poem and your yoga dog, Rudy, Laura. That’s awesome that he loves that yoga, and you, of course!

  6. Two words sum up this post, your poem and those pups, Laura: Puppy Love!
    A possibly unconventional suggestion for your MG list is The One and Only Ivan. His furry best friend was Bob the dog.

    • Laura Shovan says:

      Thanks, Bridget! I’ve had a few people recommend The One and Only Ivan. I’ll be putting it on my list of resources.

  7. Irene Latham says:

    What fun to see you and Rudy sharing a yoga mat. Love! Does a mg featuring a girl and a robodog count?? D:39 A ROBODOG’S JOURNEY by me coming May 18, 2020 from Charlesbridge. Hope you have a lovely weekend. xo

  8. Linda Mitchell says:

    Oh, Rudy….you’re the best at dog yoga. But, Laura, this is a great poem! Love it. Can’t wait to see what you’re working on for Reading Rockets.

  9. Mary Lee says:

    If you’ve got The One and Only Ivan, then surely you have the sequel, The One and Only Bob! And of course, almost all of Barbara O’Connor’s books feature dogs.

    I am in love with the first stanza of your poem!

  10. A perfect post from nose to tail. And, such lucky pups to live & do yoga with you all. One of my all-time favorite picture books ever is BONE DOG by Eric Rohmann. ;0)

  11. […] Rudy, through my Poetry Friday and Facebook posts about his adventures with Sam, our Schnauzer. (My poem “Yoga Dog” about Rudy was my most recent PF […]

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Laura Shovan

Laura Shovan is the author of the award-winning middle grade novel, The Last Fifth Grade of Emerson Elementary. Her second book, Takedown, is a Junior Library Guild and PJ Our Way selection. Look for A Place at the Table, co-written with Saadia Faruqi, in 2020. Laura is a poet-in-the-schools Maryland.

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