Hi, Poetry Friday friends. My website has been down or wonky for several months. (Was anyone else affected by the Go Daddy hack?) I’m back to blogging at last, though—sadly—some of my posts from this spring were lost and can’t be recovered. Did you develop any habits or family traditions during the pandemic that have […]

I’m posting my Poetry Friday offering early this week. I’ll be traveling on Friday, visiting the niece and nephews mentioned in the poem below. This is my first attempt at a haibun. It has also been forever since I shared a “random conversations” post. I wanted to capture the way an everyday moment (shopping) transformed into […]
Last weekend, I visited my home state for NerdCampNJ. (Hey, Jersey! Looking good.) There’s no better way to spend a rainy Saturday than surrounded by educators, authors, and super readers. One of the highlights of my day was co-leading a workshop: Building Literacy with Poetry and Books in Verse. You can find notes from the workshop […]
Hello, Found Object Poets. I am enjoying a long cappuccino break while another blogger takes over today’s hosting duties. FOUND: Coffee Mug Don’t choke on that frothy beverage! We are still writing and sharing today. You will find the Day 15 Found Object Poem Project post at Heidi Mordhorst’s blog, My Juicy Little Universe. Thank you, Heidi! […]
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone. We’ve made it half-way through our month of daily writing! My gift to you today isn’t hearts and flowers … it’s the Week 3 FOUND OBJECT prompts. It’s Day 14 of our 2016 daily write-in. As you know, this year’s theme is FOUND OBJECTS. We have a new writing prompt for every day in […]
It’s Day 12 of our month-long daily writing project. This year’s theme is FOUND OBJECTS. For those of you who are new to the project, please read my introductory post. You’ll find more information and all of the Week 2 FOUND OBJECTS, which are our writing prompts, at this post. Two notes today: First, with so many poets participating regularly, […]
It’s Day 2 of our 2016 daily write-in. This year’s theme is FOUND OBJECTS. Thanks to all of the poets and writers who contributed objects for our daily prompts. For those of you who are new to the project, please read my introductory post. You’ll find more information and all of the Week 1 FOUND OBJECTS at this […]