Use the space of a poem to describe your vision of a Future House.

I’m putting together a list of read-alikes for teachers. These are books and poems that pair well with the emotional content (or the creature content!) of Welcome to Monsterville.
Today, I am sharing two wonderful SEL poems from Things We Feel, edited by Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong.
Authors Take Action is organizing a community poetry project for kids.
I invite children’s poets and authors (YOU!) to create writing prompts on the theme of CLIMATE.
Today, I’m sharing my interview with debut verse novelist Meg Eden. Her middle grade novel, GOOD DIFFERENT, is out from Scholastic in April. The interview is up at the Diverse Verse blog.
Tuesday was the final day of the 2023 February Poetry Project. This year’s theme was STORY. There were so many incredible prompts, dreamed up by the group’s participants. I’ve been thinking a lot about poems and how we use them to tell stories. I’m gearing up to teach my virtual class once again: “Poetry Techniques […]