Welcome to Day 3 of our month-long daily writing project. Newbies, this is an annual community writing project that I host every February. You don’t have to be a poet to participate. Short prose pieces are a great way to join in the fun. This year’s theme is FOUND OBJECTS. For those of you who are […]

It’s Day 2 of our 2016 daily write-in. This year’s theme is FOUND OBJECTS. Thanks to all of the poets and writers who contributed objects for our daily prompts. For those of you who are new to the project, please read my introductory post. You’ll find more information and all of the Week 1 FOUND OBJECTS at this […]
Welcome to Day 1 of our 2016 daily write-in! This year’s theme is FOUND OBJECTS. We have a new writing prompt for every day in February. The object of this project is to turn off our inner critics, play with a daily writing practice, and share the results in a community setting. For those of you […]
Hello, friends! Think of today as the pre-game stretch. We are getting our fingers warmed up for 29 days of writing in response to found objects and posting that writing the same day, as a community. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Read this post to find out more about my annual daily writing project. […]
Happy Poetry Friday, friends. After nearly eight years blogging as Author Amok, I am moving to my new website! As of February 1, I will be blogging and participating in Poetry Friday right here at www.laurashovan.com. There are a few housekeeping items to share before I close up shop at the old digs. First, the annual daily […]
Since my middle grade novel sold in 2014, I’ve gotten to know many of my fellow debut authors. Within that group is a small cadre of poets who also write fiction for children. Some of us have had long careers publishing in literary journals and teaching creative writing before we made the cross-over to a […]
Early this morning, a bright white flashed at the windows and thunder shook the house. I knew this blizzard would be a significant one for me. It is the first storm where keeping everyone indoors does not include my son. He is six hours away, a freshman in college. “An Absolute Vista” is an older poem […]
Hey, everyone. I’m migrating my occasional series, “Laura’s Bookshelf,” from Author Amok to the new digs. If you’ve missed a past episode, you’ll find a full list of what’s been on my bookshelf at the end of this post. One of the best parts about being a debut novelist has been connecting with other middle […]
It was one of those serendipitous moments. My friend, poet and educator J.C. Elkin. was asking about my debut children’s novel, THE LAST FIFTH GRADE OF EMERSON ELEMENTARY. “So, what’s it about?” This, fellow writers, is a question that strikes fear into the hearts of many novelists. As soon as these words fall from someone’s […]
Sometimes, when I’m having an extrovert day, I strike up conversations with random people. “How do you do that,” my fellow introverts might ask? My background in journalism helps. When I was freelancing for the Baltimore Sun, I learned on the job how to ask questions that encourage people to talk about themselves. (The answer, […]