It’s clear that this chick is not a loon at all. She is a duckling, who takes to her loon parents’ ways like … a duck to water!

January rain —
Lenten roses budding,
woodpeckers at work.
Story is an essential part of being human. We are shaped by fairy tales, narrative songs, and cultural histories. Hayao Miyazaki, the legendary animated filmmaker, said, “I believe that stories have an important role to play in the formation of human beings, that they can stimulate, amaze, and inspire their listeners.” Memory is a form of story that lives in our minds until we shape it and share it with others.
I made a special video just for Poetry Friday. You’ll get a sneak peek at some of Michael’s monsters… and I read a poem from Welcome to Monsterville that I haven’t shared before.
“It became clear to me very quickly when I started expanding on the ‘waiting for the right resources’ parallel between poems and seeds that spring brought many of the things a seed needs to move from dormancy into active growth. “
The miracle we celebrate on Hanukkah has to do with oil. So whether you like your treats sweet or savory, it’s time to get out those fryers and put on those aprons.
One of my favorite projects of 2022 was writing a series of poems for Nature Culture’s Writing the Land Series. This organization pairs poets with local-to-them land trusts, to highlight our deep and abiding relationship with the soil, the forests, the farms.
My heart is broken. My dear friend and collaborator, the poet Michael Rothenberg, passed away on November 21.
Happy Poetry Friday, everyone. I haven’t been able to join the party in a while. We have been dealing with some health issues since the summer — including our first experience with Covid. Now that everyone is on the mend, I’m glad to be back with an author highlight. Today, I’m featuring a middle grade […]
Happy Poetry Friday, friends. And happy National Dog Day! I am happy to share that we are a two-dog family once again. In February, we adopted a second beagle. Abbi is elderly. Her owner passed away and the family surrendered her to the same beagle rescue that matched us with Arthur. Look at these two! […]